Calendars and Contacts Sharing


  • This feature replaces cPanel’s Calendar Delegation interface.
  • This feature also appears in the Webmail interface.
  • This feature only appears if your hosting provider has enabled it.

The Calendars and Contacts Sharing interface allows you to grant access rights on an email user’s calendar(s) or address book(s). This is useful if you need to manage other people’s calendars or set up shared resources such as conference rooms.

In this interface, a collection is a set of either events in a calendar or contacts in an address book. A collection may be either standalone or shared with other email users of the cPanel account.

Share a calendar or address book

  • You can only share a calendar or address book if your cPanel account has two or more email accounts. If your cPanel account has only one email account, the interface will display a No Additional Email Account Exists message. To create a new email account, click Create Email Account. The Create an Email Account interface will appear.
  • In a shared calendar, you can only invite others to an event if you created it, and you can only accept a calendar invitation if the person who created it invited you directly.

To share a calendar or address book, perform the following steps in the Share Collection section:

  1. In the Select User menu, select the email user whose calendar or address book you wish to share.
  2. In the Select Collection menu, select the calendar or address book you wish to share.
  3. In the Share with menu, select the email user to whom you wish to grant access.
  4. Select the Allow Editing checkbox to allow the email user to edit the calendar or address book. If you do not select this checkbox, the user will only have read access to the calendar or address book.
  5. Click Create. The interface will refresh, and the collection will appear in the Shared Collections table.

Refer to your mail application’s documentation for instructions on how email users can view the shared calendar or address book.

The Shared Collections table


In this interface, a collection is a set of either events in a calendar or contacts in an address book.

The Shared Collections table lists the following information about calendar and address book collections for the account:

Column Description
Owner The owner of the calendar or address book.
Name The name of the calendar or address book.
Path The relative path on the server to the calendar or address book.
Shared with The email user to whom the owner grants calendar or address book rights.
Permissions Whether the email user has read-write or read-only access to the calendar or address book.
Actions Actions that you can perform on the collection:
  • Delete — Remove the email user’s rights to the calendar or address book.
  • Allow Editing — Grant write access to the email user. This button only appears when the user does not have write access.
  • Disallow Editing — Remove write access from the email user, but maintain read access. This button only appears when the user has write access.

Add editing rights

To add edit rights to another user’s calendar or address book, locate the entry for the collection in the Shared Collections table and click Allow Editing.

Remove editing rights

To remove an email user’s rights to edit another user’s calendar or address book, locate the entry for the collection in the Shared Collections table and click Disallow Editing.

Remove a collection

To remove an email user’s rights from another user’s calendar or address book, perform the following steps:

  1. Locate the entry for the collection in the Shared Collections table and click Delete.
  2. Click Confirm Delete to delete the collection, or click Cancel to cancel.
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