Reissue Enduser License


The Softaculous enduser license is locked to your server IP and control panel account username. However if your server IP has changed or your username has changed or you migrated your web host you can use your Softaculous enduser license on the new server by re-issuing the license from Softaculous Client Area.

Note: You can use the Softaculous enduser license only in one control panel account at a time. Abusing the license will lead to cancellation of the license.

Login to Softaculous Client Area

In order to re-issue the license you will need to login to Softaculous client area with the Softaculous account you used to purchase the license.

Enduser Licenses

Click on the “Enduser Licenses” link in the left panel under the Softaculous logo. Click on the Softaculous logo in left panel to toggle the sub menu links.

Choose the License

Select the license key which you want to re-issue. Click on the license key to go the edit license page where you will be able to reissue the license.

Re-issue the License

Click on the “Reissue License” button to reissue the license.

Once the license is re-issued you can use that license key on the new account where you would like to use it. Once you install the license on your new account it will be locked with the new server IP and the control panel account username. Here is the guide on how to install the license.

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